Official Kimberly Fortuner Page

Friends and Other Reference

Leave a Message At the Tone
Friends and Other Reference
Lyrics and Clips
History of the Mystery

Your Score Card

> Having trouble with the players in Kim's Blogs? Here's your chance! We're bringing you a list of the players that make the board, in well, the order I wanna put them in.

Lisa F : My sister, self-proclaimed narcissist, comic book lover, wearer of brown and green. In Oklahoma with the Air Force.

Andrew S : Old college buddy who lives around here. Industrial Engineer and a black belt in ummm... Su Bak Do. Used to be in PSIDE together. He was a friend of an old boyfriend originally. Best friend of Ed. He loves Star Trek and plays trombone in a band, FM and his MF Horns. I gave him a cute, psycho kitty he calls Naomi.
Ed C : Old college buddy who lives around here. A loose-cannon recycling truck driver who lives life on the edge. Hanger-out at Unknown Comics, I have him to thank for all of those issues laying on my bed (well, the ones on paper, anyway). He has a toy poodle named Piper.

Noel F : My closest female friend. She's a speech therapist, she roleplays and plays PS2 games. Amusingly enough, she is originally a friend of Andrew's ex-girlfriend. She has a cat that dislikes me named Eve.

PJ F : My brother. Paid Fire Fighter with Carbondale, Volunteer Fire Fighter and Training Officer for Greenfield Township, and Fire Instructor with BCCC. He got married in October and lives up on Finch Hill with his wife and his Bichon Pain-In-The-Butt, Nikki (yes, I'm pretty sure named after Little Nikki the movie).
MaryBeth F : My brother's wife. Definitely a saint.

Meghan : Andrew's girlfriend from Stroudsburg. She has a cute poodle puppy called Mia.

David C : Manages a Shack now, but used to work with me at the mall. His ex-girlfriend is a Kelly.

Other Reference
You've seen me carrying them around, here's what it means for me to be writing in a particular book.

Blue Book : This book contains the raw material that will probably become a song, after some sort of revision.

Green Book : Mostly prose, one liners, and observations. Since starting the blogs, a lot of the things that would end up in the Green Book have become blog material, so it is possible that I will find a slightly different use for it. Any song that begins here has a long and weird journey ahead of it.

Purple Book : Supposedly "finished" songs, complete with chords. At least two songs have required revision post-entry into this one.


Da Shack : I'm not getting sued for copyright infringement. You guess where this is.

AG : Adventure Games, LAN network gaming store in the KMart Plaza, Dickson City, owned by Sean M.

JW's Pub : Pub/Bar at Heart Lake in Scott Township. It's run by the Wanczak's.

Mountainview Restaurant : My grandfather's brother's restaurant in Clifford.

©Kimberly Fortuner 2004. All lyrics ©1994-2004. Music ©1993-2004.